Actuarial work in the field of workers’ compensation (Part 1)

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Canadian Institute of Actuaries
Canadian Institute of Actuaries

Mar 27, 2023

Mar 27, 2023 • by Canadian Institute of Actuaries

What is actuarial work in the field of workers’ compensation all about? Find out from FCIA Julie Bélanger, actuary at the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). In this episode, she takes us through her actuarial career, explains her work duties at CNESST and shares her experience in the field of workers’ compensation. She also tells us what makes her passionate about her actuarial work in this organization. Part 2 of this series will cover trends in occupational health and safety (on the pricing and claims side), the impact of the pandemic years, IFRS 17 and much more. This episode is available in French only.


Canadian Institute of Actuaries